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Journal : Jurnal Kelautan Tropis

Studi Keanekaragaman Makrozoobentos Pada Habitat Lamun Hasil Transplantasi dengan Metode Ramah Lingkungan Ita Riniatsih; Retno Hartati; Sri Redjeki; Hadi Endrawati
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 21, No 1 (2018): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.821 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v21i1.2401


Damage to seagrass ecosystems resulting in loss of habitat makrozoobentos.The effort to fix them with seagrass transplantation program. Transplantation of seagrass with environment friendly techniques is expected to help to recreate habitat for makrozoobentos. Research on makrozoobentos diversity in habitats seagrass transplantation results using two methods of transplantation techniques bamboo frame and bamboo tubes.  The seagrass Enhalus acoroides type is transplanted. Research conducted in the waters of the Teluk Awur and Bandengan, Jepara and was conducted from August-November 2017. Research carried out with the widest swath of 4x4m with depth 85-100 cm. The number of type makrozoobnetos which is obtained during research is captured as many as 25 types look different at each sampling observations. Until the end of the observation makrozoobentos abundance ranged from 106.1-89.8 ind/m2 on the transplantation of seagrass with bamboo frames and methods of tube bamboo and seagrass pastures in both locations. Index of diversity and uniformity of makrozoobentos obtained in the category of low to moderate from each treatment.  Kerusakan ekosistem padang lamunmengakibatkan hilangnya habitat makrozoobentos. Upaya untuk memperbaikinya dengan melakuka transplantasi lamun.Transplantasilamun dengan metode yang ramah lingkungan diharapkan dapat membantu untuk menciptakan kembali habitat untuk biota bentik (makrozoobentos). Penelitian tentang keanekaragaman makrozoobentospada habitat lamun hasil transplantasi menggunakan dua metode transplantasi yaitu metode frame dan tabung bambu.  Lamun yang ditransplantasikan adalah  jenis Enhalus acoroides. Penelitian yang dilakukan di perairan padang lamun di Teluk Awur dan Bandengan Jepara ini dilaksanakan dari Agustus–Nopember 2017. Penelitian dilakukan dengan petak seluas 4x4m dengan kedalaman 85-100cm.Jumlah jenis makrozoobnetos yang diperoleh selama penelitian adalah sebanyak 25 jenis yang tertangkap terlihat berbeda disetiap sampling pengamatan. Hingga akhir pengamatan kelimpahan makrozoobentos berkisar antara 89,8-106,1 ind/m2 pada transplantasi lamun dengan metode frame bambu dan tabung bambu serta padang lamun asli di kedua lokasi. Indeks Keanekaragaman dan keseragaman makrozoobentos yang diperoleh dalam kategori  rendah hingga sedang pada ketiga perlakuan di atas. 
Morfometri Dan Pertumbuhan Scylla serrata (Filum: Arthropoda, Famili: Portunidae) Di Desa Panikel, Segara Anakan, Cilacap Widianingsih Widianingsih; Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini; Retno Hartati; Sri Redjeki; Ita Riniatsih; Cantika Elistyowati Andanar; Hadi Endrawati; Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 22, No 1 (2019): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.707 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v22i1.4207


Mud crab is one of fishery commodities which is important in Indonesia . The high demand for mud crabs needs to be balanced with the right management strategy,  so that the population will not extinction.  Penikel Village, Cilacap is one of the fishing villages which catch mud crabs because of the high demand in the big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung and Bali.  The purpose of this study is  to determine the population and growth patterns of mud crabs in the Panikel Village, Kampung Laut District, Cilacap. The location of the study was determined by purposive sampling. Wadong and bubu are fishing tools to catch mud crabs. Sampling 67 mud crabs was carried out  on Juni 2016, after that, measurement of length, carapace width and total weight were carried out. Regression analysis between carapace width and total weight and condition factors were carried out to determine growth patterns. Based on the research, the average value of the S. serrata   length was 63.94±11.31 mm while the female one was 70.29±14.57 mm. The average value of carapace width is 92.28±15.51 mm (male) while for female sex was 98.71±18.38 mm. The average weight of S. serrata male crabs was 190.31±118.43 mm, while those of female sex were 210.77±120.93 mm. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the relationship between the length of weight found negative allomatric growth pattern with the value of the condition factor included in the low category both for male sex 0.73-1.93 and for female sex 0.59-1.66.  The low condition factor shows that the condition of Segara Anakan waters especially Penikel Village does not support the growth of mud crabs (S. serrata). Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang terpenting di Indonesia.  Besarnya permintaan  kepiting bakau yang tinggi perlu diimbangi dengan strategi pengelolaan yang tepat agar populasi tidak punah. Desa Penikel, Cilacap merupakan satu desa nelayan yang banyak menangkap kepiting bakau karena tingginya permintaan di kota besar seperti Jakarta, Bandung dan Bali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui populasi dan pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau di Desa Panikel, Kecamatan Kampung Laut, Cilacap. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Wadong dan bubu merupakan alat tangkap untuk menangkap kepiting bakau. Pengambilan sampel kepiting sebanyak 67 individu  dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2016, setelah itu dilakukan pengukuran panjang, lebar karapas serta berat total. Analisa regresi kurva antara lebar karapas dan berat total serta  faktor kondisi dilakukan untuk mengetahui pola  pertumbuhan. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh nilai rata-rata panjang kepiting bakau S. serrta jantan adalah 63.94±11.31 mm sedang untuk yang betina adalah 70,29±14.57 mm. Nilai rata-rata lebar karapas adalah 92.28±15.51 mm (jantan) sedang untuk jenis kelamin betina adalah 98.71±18.38 mm. Rata-rata berat kepiting jantan S. serrata adalah 190.31±118.43 mm, sedangkan yang jenis kelamin betina adalah 210.77±120.93 mm. Selanjutnya berdasarkan analisa hubungan panjang berat ditemukan pola pertumbuhan allomatrik negatif dengan nilai factor kondisi termasuk dalam katagori rendah baik untuk jenis kelamin jantan 0,73–1,93 maupun untuk kelamin betina 0,59–1,66.  Rendahnya factor kondisi menunjukkan bahwa kondisi perairan Segara Anakan khususnya Desa Penikel tidak menunjang bagi petumbuhan kepiting bakau (S. serrata).
Analisis Kandungan Logam Berat Kromium (Cr) Pada Air, Sedimen Dan Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) Di Perairan Trimulyo Semarang Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini; Hadi Endrawati; Ivan Riza Maulana
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 20, No 1 (2017): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.054 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v20i1.1104


Metal pollution becomes a problem that is very threatening to marine ecosystems. This is because heavy metals difficult be destroyed and will accumulate in the water. This study aims to determine the content of chromium (Cr) in Water, Sediment and green mussels (Perna viridis) and know the maximum limit weekly consumption and the feasibility of the Green Shellfish consumption. Samples were taken in January 2016 for Trimulyo waters. Research using descriptive methods. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method. Heavy metal content analysis using AAS. MTI Value (Maximum Tolerable Intact) is calculated by the formula MWI / Ct to determine the value of the maximum limit of consumption of green mussels per week. The results showed the content of chromium (Cr) in water in Trimulyo waters of <0.003 mg / L, the content of chromium (Cr) in the sediments ranged from 20.49 to 45.78 mg / kg. The content of heavy metals Chromium (Cr) in Green Mussels ranged from <0.01 to 0.20 mg / kg. Maximum weight intake of green mussels are safe for consumption of water Trimulyo per week for women with an average body weight of 45 kg for metal Chromium (Cr) is 13.27 ± 4.78 kg per week. As for males with an average weight of 60 kg of 17.68 ± 6.37 kg per week. According to the Minister of Environment Decree 51 of 2004 Trimulyo water conditions have not categorized the heavy metal contaminated Chromium (Cr). The content of heavy metals chromium (Cr) in the sediments are well below the standards set by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) of 1999. As for the heavy metal content of chromium (Cr) in the Green Mussel showed that the clams in these waters has not been contaminated by heavy metals Chromium (Cr) according to the quality standard by the Food adulteration (metallic Contamination) Hong Kong in 1997. Pencemaran logam menjadi suatu masalah yang sangat mengancam bagi ekosistem laut. Hal ini diduga karena logam berat susah hancur dan akan terakumulasi di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan Kromium (Cr) dalam Air, Sedimen dan Kerang Hijau (Perna viridis) serta mengetahui batas maksimum konsumsi mingguan dan tingkat kelayakan konsumsi Kerang Hijau. Sampel diambil pada Bulan Januari 2016 di perairan Trimulyo. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Purposive Sampling Method. Analisis kandungan logam berat menggunakan AAS. Nilai MTI (Maximum Tolerable Intact) dihitung dengan rumus MWI/Ct untuk mengetahui nilai batas maksimum konsumsi Kerang Hijau per minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kandungan Kromium (Cr) dalam air di perairan Trimulyo sebesar <0,003 mg/L, kandungan Kromium (Cr) pada sedimen berkisar antara 20,49 – 45,78 mg/kg. Kandungan logam berat Kromium (Cr) pada Kerang Hijau berkisar antara <0,01 – 0,20 mg/kg. Berat Maksimal asupan Kerang Hijau yang aman dikonsumsi dari perairan Trimulyo per minggu untuk wanita dengan berat badan rata-rata 45 kg untuk logam Kromium (Cr) adalah 13,27±4,78 kg per minggu. Sedangkan untuk laki-laki dengan berat badan rata-rata 60 kg sebesar 17,68±6,37 kg per minggu. Menurut Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.51 Tahun 2004 kondisi perairan Trimulyo dikategorikan belum tercemar logam berat Kromium (Cr). Kandungan logam berat Kromium (Cr) pada sedimen berada di bawah baku mutu yang ditetapkan oleh NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Tahun 1999. Sedangkan untuk kandungan logam berat Kromium (Cr) pada Kerang Hijau menunjukkan bahwa kerang di perairan tersebut belum tercemar oleh logam berat Kromium (Cr) sesuai dengan baku mutu oleh Food Adulteration (Metalic Contamination) Hong Kong Tahun 1997.  
Pemetaan Klasifikasi Dan Analisa Perubahan Ekosistem Mangrove Menggunakan Citra Satelit Multi Temporal Di Karimunjawa, Jepara, Indonesia Nurul Latifah; Sigit Febrianto; Hadi Endrawati; Muhammad Zainuri
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 21, No 2 (2018): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.107 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v21i2.2977


Mapping of Classification and Analysis of Changes in Mangrove Ecosystem Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images in Karimunjawa, Jepara, Indonesia  Mangrove ecosystem is one of the three ecosystem in the coastal area which has important ecological role in supporting marine life and fisheries resources. These important roles include spawning ground and nursery ground for various marine organisms. However, in the last decades, mangrove ecosystem has been undergoing significant degradation. The aim of this research is to quantify the changes of mangrove coverage and density in Karimunjawa as well as key-factors leading to the changes. Supervised classification method (83% accuracy and Kappa coefficient 0.73%) was applied to satellite images to identify the temporal changes in mangrove coverage. Mangrove density was quantified using NDVI algorithm and NIR-RED wavelength. The result shows that during three periods of observed data, changes in mangrove coverage were significant: 126.81 ha increase (1992 – 2003); 82.37 ha decrease (1992 – 2017); and 209.18 ha decrease (2003 – 2017). Mangrove density in most part of Karimunjawa belongs to the category of ‘low’ (NDVI value: -1 – 0.33). Key factors contributing to the decrease mangrove coverage are deforestation, natural phenomena, land conversion into fish ponds and hotels. The only increase in the year 1992 – 2003 was caused by high sedimentation level that allows more mangroves to grow. Overall, the methods in this research could be used as an approach to describe to effectively monitor the changes of mangrove coverage in an area as basic data for sustainable environmental management. Ekosistem mangrove merupakan salah satu dari tiga ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peranan ekologis penting dalam mendukung kehidupan dan keberlangsungan dari sumberdaya perikanan.  Hal tersebut dikarenakan fungsi mangrove sebagai tempat memijah dan asuhan bagi banyak biota air. Beberapa dekade terakhir keberadaan dari ekosisitem mangrove mengalami degradasi yang sangat signifikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan luasan dan kerapatan mangrove dan mengidentifikasi faktor penyebabnya.  Metode analisa perubahan luasan mangrove menggunakan citra satelit multi temporal dengan dilakukan pembuatan klasifikasi menggunakan metode supervised classification dengan nilai akurasi total 83% dengan Kappa koefisien 0,73%.  Setelah terseleksi antara mangrove dan non mangrove maka dilakukan perhitungan kerapatan tajuk menggunakan algoritma NDVI dengan memanfaatkan panjang gelombang NIR dan RED.  Hasil analisa spasial dengan rentang 3 tahun berbeda didapatkan perubahan penurunan dan penambahan luasan mangrove terjadi secara signifikan: tahun 1992 – 2003 telah terjadi penambahan luasan sebesar 126,81 ha; tahun 1992–2017 terjadi perubahan luasan sebesar 82,37 ha;  tahun 2003–2017 terjadi perubahan luasan sebesar 209,18 ha.  Kerapatan mangrove di Karimunjawa sebagian besar tergolong kategori kerapatan jarang dengan nilai NDVI antara -1 – 0,33. Faktor utama penyebab penurunan luasan mangrove antara lain penebangan liar, faktor alam, perubahan fungsi lahan menjadi pertambakan dan perhotelan.  Penambahan luasan mangrove terjadi pada antara tahun1992 sampai 2003 hal tersebut disebabkan sedimentasi yang menumpuk di pantai dan sudah ditumbuhi oleh mangrove.  Secara keseluruhan metode ini dapat menggambarkan perubahan secara efektif serta hasilnya dapat dipergunakan untuk pemantauan dan perencanaan ekosistem mangrove di suatu wilayah. 
The Effect of Ultrasonic Wave Exposure on The Chlorophyll-a, b And Carotene Content of Nannochloropsis sp. Hadi Endrawati; Muhammad Zainuri; Widianingsih Widianingsih; Retno Hartati; Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya; Sri Redjeki; Ita Riniatsih; Ria Azizah
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 21, No 2 (2018): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.502 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v21i2.3093


Determination of chlorophyll-a, b and carotene content in microalgae is strongly dependent on the destruction of its cell wall during extraction process.  Harvesting of microalgae is important  because it will influence the nutrition content. The objective of present work is to optimize harvesting of Nannochloropsis sp by application of ultrasonic wave with frequency of 40 KHz under different exposure time.  There were 3 treatments, i.e. exposure time of 5, 10 and 15 minutes.  The chlorophyll-a, b, and carotene content were measured to gauge the effect of treatments. The result revealed that the cell wall of Nannochloropsis sp which made from carbohydrate were successfully broken by ultrasonic source equipment. It showed that the exposure time of  5, 10 and 15 minutes affected cell wall’s breaking percentage of Nannochloropsis sp cell by 10,35;  32,15; and 72,09 %, respectively. The longer exposure time of ultrasonic wave, the higher content of  chlorophyll-a, b, and carotene.
Variasi Komposisi Dan Kerapatan Jenis Lamun Di Perairan Ujung Piring, Kabupaten Jepara Retno Hartati; Widianingsih Widianingsih; Adi Santoso; Hadi Endrawati; Muhammad Zainuri; Ita Riniatsih; W.L. Saputra; Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 20, No 2 (2017): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1056.563 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v20i2.1702


Seagrass has an important role for marine environment as a primary producer also as constituent and ecosystems habitats that support the life on coral reefs and mangrove or coastal. This research is aimed to identify the seagrass species and to undertand thier density and coverage. This research was conducted on June-August 2016 at Ujung Piring waters, Jepara. The research used descriptive method. Sampling was conducted on five stations, where each station performed five repetitions. The seagrasses found in research sites were identified and counted for their density and coverage. Seawater quality parameter were measured in situ. Sediment were take for grain size analysis to undertand their characteristic. The research showed that during the study period there were four species of seagrasses i.e. Enhalus acoroides, Thalasia hemprichii, Cymodocea Rotundata, and Syringodium isoetifolium. Overall this study indicate the highest and lowest density found in Thalassia hemprichii  (33,87 and 4,35 stands/m²).  E. acoroides had highest coverage (48,67%) while the lowest (8,71%) was T. hemprichii. There were variation in density and covarage of seagrass species due to water quality and showed uneven distribution of the seagrass species in that area.  Lamun memiliki peranan penting bagi kehidupan di laut sebagai produsen primer serta penyusun habitat dan ekosistem yang menyangga kehidupan di terumbu karang dan mangrove atau daratan pantai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis lamun dan variasi kerapatan dan penutupannya di perairan Ujung Piring, Kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni–Agustus 2016 di perairan Ujung Piring Jepara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada lima stasiun, dimana setiap  stasiun dilakukan lima kali pengulangan. Lamun diidentifikasi di lokasi penelitian, dihitung kerapatannya dan penutupannya. Pengukuran kualitas perairan dilakukan in situ, sedangkan sedimen diambil untuk dianalisa butiran untuk mengetahui karakteristik sedimennya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan selama periode penelitian terdapat 4 jenis lamun, yaitu Enhalus acoroides,  Thalasia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, dan Syringodium isoetifolium. Kerapatan tertinggi dan terendah ditemukan pada Thalassia hemprichii yaitu 33,87 dan 4,35 tegakan/m².  Persentase penutupan tertinggi ditemukan pada E. acoroides dengan nilai 48,67% dan yang terendah 8,71% oleh T. hemprichii. Terdapat variasi komposisi dan kerapatan berdasarkan waktu pengamatan, hal ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh lingkungan dan tidak terjadi persebaran lamun yang merata pada daerah tersebut. 
The Composition of Portunus pelagicus on the Fishing Ground Area of Danasari Waters, Pemalang Regency Sri Redjeki; Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini; Hadi Endrawati
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 26, No 2 (2023): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/potensi.%Y.18825


Blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of the most economically valuable marine products in Indonesia. The crabs productivity was generally still dependent on the population in the wild. Danasari Village is one of the main crab producers in Pemalang Regency. The daily fishing crab activities by fisherman direct an impact on decreasing of the natural crabs resources. This study determined the crabs composition in the fishing ground where usually spotted by the Danasari crab fisherman. This research obtained the information of a composition of female and male crabs, carapace width distribution, growth characterized, and the egg-berried female number. This study conducted on May to July 2022. The result in this research was a male crabs were dominated than females. The carapace width was generally amount 92-112 mm, while the growth characteristic of blue swimming crabs was negative allometric. The female crab gonad maturity was dominated by 2nd level gonad maturity, while the egg-berried female crabs were found 21 crabs totaled from 14 spot fishing grounds. Based on the carapace width distribution, there are a lot of blue swimming crab with undersized in shallow-depth fishing sites, while the crab size mostly above 100 mm already found at each spot in this research. The highest egg-berried female percentage was found at spot 7th and 13rd, where the female crabs at 7th spot were bigger carapace than at 13rd spot areas. These results indicated that crab resources in Danasari Waters and surround area were indicated potentially overfished, proven with undersized berried-female crabs. The management efforts will conduct an environmentally friendly fishing gear, regarding the policy of ministry regulating as to keep crab resources sustainable. In addition, scheduling rules for fishing activities can also be tested to be applied.
Environmental Characteristic of Phyllophorus sp. (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Phyllophoridae) Habitat in the Madura Strait, Indonesia Widianingsih Widianingsih; Retno Hartati; Hadi Endrawati
Jurnal Kelautan Tropis Vol 26, No 3 (2023): JURNAL KELAUTAN TROPIS
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkt.v26i3.15064


Information on the environmental characteristics of many sea cucumber habitat is limited, despite these species exhibiting rapid exploitation and may lead to depletion. The present study combined a survey on many seawaters and sediment characteristics of habitat valuable aspidochirote holothurian, Sea Ball Cucumber, Phyllophorus sp. to compare with location with no sea cucumber in Madura Strait, Indonesia. Data from detailed surveys were used to compare both locations with measures of physical and chemical seawater parameters including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids, light transparency, and depth of water. The comparison was also carried out on physical and chemical parameters of surface sediment, i.e. phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, chlorophyll-a, grain size, total organic matter, and carbon-organic content. The data then were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U-Non Parametric Test with SPSS v. 16.  The result revealed that there were significant differences between sediment characteristics of Sea Ball Cucumber habitat and no Sea Ball cucumber location, but not for seawater. Seawater parameter value in Madura Strait showed in the range required for its life. This analyzes proved the importance of sediment characteristics for Phyllophorus sp. As benthic deposit feeders, they did not only utilize substrate underneath the body for its habitat but also primarily to supply their natural food. 
Co-Authors AB Susanto Abdino Putra Utama Adi Santoso Agus Subagio Altysia Putriany Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Anantya Setya Perdana Andreas Nur Hidayat Anindya Wirasatriya Annisa Fadillah Antik Erlina Antonius Budi Susanto Ardhatama Zafron Dzakwan Ardita Elok Mahendra Putri Ardyatma, Via Jeanieta Berliana Argina Dewi S Azhari Nourma Dewi Baidhowie, Lutfil Hakim Bifa Aulia Manuhuwa Budhy Wiyarsih Cantik Sitta Devayani Cantika Elistyowati Andanar Chandra Nicolas Sihaloho Christian Jimmy Christin Manulang Cristiana Manullang Cristiana Manullang Delianis Pringgenies Desy Lasri Ana Dewi Nugrayani Dinda Monita Dwi Saniscara Wati Dyahruri Sanjayasari Dyahruri Sanjayasari Endang Kusdiyantini Endang Supriyantini Evi Lutfiyani Fadhel Muhammad Juharna Febrianto, Sigit Febriyantoro Febriyantoro Frijona Fabiola Lokollo Gunawan Widi Santosa Handhikka Daffa Wira Pradhana Hermin P Kusumaningrum Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum Hilal M Hilyati Fajrina Ibnu Pratikto Ida Noventalia Ida Noventalia Imam Misbach Indras Marhaendrajaya Ira Kolaya, Ira Irwani Irwani Ita Riniatsih Ita Widowati Ivan Riza Maulana Julia Fransiska Ken Suwartimah Kiki Pebli Ningrum Lutfil Hakim Baidhowie M. Amanun Tharieq Manuhuwa, Bifa Aulia Maulana Cahya Widhiatmoko Monita, Dinda Muhamad Ravian Wiraputra Muhammad Iskandar Zulkarnain Muhammad Zainuri Muhammad Zainuri Muhammad Zainuri Muhammad Zainuri Ningrum, Kiki Pebli Nirwani Soenardjo Nugrayani, Dewi Nur Taufiq Nur Taufiq Nur Taufiq SPJ Nur Taufiq-Spj Nurul Latifah Octo Zainul Ahmad Perdana, Anantya Setya Pradhana, Handhikka Daffa Wira Primaswatantri Permata Putri Sakinah Mayani, Putri Sakinah Putri, Ardita Elok Mahendra Raden Ario Raka Pramulo Sophianto Rana Hadi Shafani Ranny Ramadhani Yuneni Retno Hartati Ria Azizah Ria Azizah Ria Azizah Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya Robertus Triaji Mahendrajaya Rodhiyah Patmawati Rose Dewi Rose Dewi Rose Dewi Rudhi Pribadi Sihaloho, Chandra Nicolas Sophianto, Raka Pramulo Sri Amini Sri Redjeki Sri Redjeki Sri Sedjati Sri Sedjati Sunaryo Sunaryo Sunaryo Sunaryo Suryanti - Suryono Suryono Susilo Dwi Cahyanti, Susilo Dwi Sutrisno Anggoro Taufiq-Spj, Nur Theresia Claudia Lasmarito Tiara Finishia, Tiara Titik Mariyati Tjahjo Winanto Utama, Abdino Putra Valentina R Iriani Via Jeanieta Berliana Ardyatma W.L. Saputra Widhiatmoko, Maulana Cahya Widianingsih Widianingsih Widianingsih Widianingsih Widya Paramudhita Wiraputra, Muhamad Ravian Yopie Anggara Putra, Yopie Anggara Yuniar Andri Sulistiyanto Yuniar Andri Sulistiyanto Yuvita Muliastuti